Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Hair and Beauty Show 2010

I had the the opportunity to attend the Hair and Beauty Show Yesterday at the Meadowland's Arena in Secaucus, New Jersey yesterday and I must admit that I was Highly disappointed. The show overall was just G.H.E.T.T.O, but now that I'm thinking about it, it wasn't really the show in its entirety but rather the some of the people. More specifically the woman that was standing next to me stealing nail art!! like really???? did she really have to steal that!?? Not only was the crowd "hood" the products that they were offering really had no deals on them and to make matters worst they were selling fake MAC products! like seriously??? although the show was a complete and utter disappointment I manage to make the best out of it. I purchased 3 Mini flat irons for 35 bucks, some eyeshadow and a mini blush pallet. I haven't yet tested out these products but as soon as I do I will definitely give you guys the run down on them. I'm 95% sure that I will not be going back next year!

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