Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Makeup Brushes....Get more for less

When creating art every artist needs the right tools. Chefs need the right knifes, singers need the best voice(well not so much cause their are a lot of horrible singers out there, but you get my point***bbm side eye****) and painters need the right paint brushes. With that being said it's important for you to use the highest quality makeup brushes.....right??? or so they say. In my generation of makeup lovers ( no I am not that old) everyone swearssssssssssssss by Mac brushes. Don't get me wrong, Mac makeup brushes are GREAT!! they are easy to use, soft, durable, they get the the job done flawlessly ( if you know what your doing). Theirs just one problem! Mac brushes can surely leave you BROKE.COM (Ranging from $19.50 and up for just one brush). Although Mac brushes are a more "professional" and "reputable" tool for makeup artists their are certainly other brushes that can be used that for a fraction of the cost. Maxine's Mop Brushes by Loew-Cornell are actually paint brushes but can be substituted for Mac Makeup brushes($5 buckerooze:). These brushes apply colors evenly and are excellent for blending. They also hold color so that you won't have makeup in unwanted places on your face. They even look just like mac brushes. If you don't believe me check it out for yourself.

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