Friday, June 4, 2010

NYC Cosmetics Lipstick made me sad

So I happened to be in Duane Reade ( Not surprised huh) and as I was browsing down the isles I noticed that NYC Cosmetics had some really pretty lipstick out on display. I remember a while ago I purchased a deep red lipstick shade and I didn't have any complaints about it, so I thought what the heck let me try some more colors. I purchased two shades of the Ultra moist Lip wear collection in the color Chiffon and Bloosom and to be honest I was disappointed. I mean, I really don't know why I was that disappointed because it was only $0.99 each,but darn!!! these lipsticks aren't very high in pigment and should be considered more of a lip balm than a lipstick, but whatever. To make matters worst as soon as you put a lip gloss over it, it came right off. Overall I don't think I will purchase another product from this line.

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