Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Summer Time Cracked Heels

Summer time is FINALLY here and many of us couldn't wait to throw on flip flops or those super cute sandals. HOWEVER , many of you are committing the ultimate NO NO!!!!! and that is forgetting to CHECK THE BACK OF THOSE HEELS!!! crusty heels and feet seem to be the new phenomenon this summer and its running ramped through the streets of New York City. The problem is that many of us feel that once we get a pedicure that's all we need to do to our feet. The truth of the matter is that we need to take more steps to maintain our feet. Here's how to maintain your feet at home with these 3 Simple steps in the shower:

While in the shower you can start by using a Pumice foot stone to wash your feet.

After both feet are washed off you can use a exfoliating foot scrub to exfoliate your feet( I prefer Salley Hansens ultra smoothing foot scrub.

After you have finished your shower and dried off your feet you can lotion your feet using Salley Hansens Hydrating foot creme.

I hope this helps you guys to achieve the smooth feet that I am soooo wishing for lol :)

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